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Nominating a Leader

The James Irvine Foundation Leadership Awards recognize individuals advancing breakthrough solutions to critical issues facing California. Each Award recipient’s organization receives $350,000 and help sharing their solutions with policymakers and other leaders in their communities.

Nominations for the 2026 James Irvine Foundation Leadership Awards are now closed. Thank you to all who nominated an outstanding California leader this year. We appreciate the opportunity to learn about innovative and effective approaches to critical California issues and the leaders behind them.

Stay informed! Join our mailing list to receive updates and announcements about the Leadership Awards.

Introducing a new simpler process

We’re excited to introduce a new streamlined process to make it easier than ever to nominate inspiring leaders who are creating meaningful change across California.

  • Step 1: Initial Nomination (Closed March 14, 2025). Nominators will submit basic information about the nominee, such as their name and contact information, along with a brief description of the nominee’s work and the nominator’s experience with the leader. If an individual chooses to self-nominate, we will request the name and contact information of external validators to ensure a fair evaluation process.
  • Step 2: Detailed Nominee Submission (Deadline: April 30, 2025). Nominated candidates will be invited to accept their nomination and provide more detailed information about their work.

You may find it helpful to review our post about the new process, the questions on the nominations form and these Frequently Asked Questions.

Eligibility Quiz

Take the quiz to find out if your nominee is eligible for a Leadership Award.

Selection Timeline

Timeline for the 2026 Leadership Awards

February 10, 2025

Nomination period opens for the 2026 James Irvine Foundation Leadership Awards.

March 14, 2025 at 12:00 pm PDT (Noon)

The nominations period closed.

March 14, 2025

Nominees are notified and accept or decline their nomination.

April 30, 2025 at 11:59 p.m. PDT

Final deadline for detailed nominee submission and validator submissions.

Late July 2025

The Selection Committee meets to discuss nominations and selects 10-12 finalists. Finalists are notified.

August – October 2025

Leadership Awards staff, consultants, and an expert in each finalist’s field of work meet with finalists individually to further understand their work and its impact on California. All nominators are notified about the status of their nomination.

Early November 2025

The Selection Committee meets to review reports of the site visits and to select four to six Award recipients. Recipients and other finalists are notified.

February 2026

Award recipients are announced.